Monday, February 21, 2011

Awkward Moment Twenty Two: When someone is staring at you

This is extremely awkward. You are just casually walking when you see someone flat out staring at you. Not just a quick glance. FULL ON STARING! You don't even know what to do. Even when you look at them they still continue! You have two options. One, you can either smile at them, or two, awkwardly stand there stiff as a rock. Of course I choose the second one because that's the "normal" thing to do. This always happens to me when I go to my brother's rugby game. Its a bunch of 14-15 year old boys. These people are not even discreet about it. Like come on, I can see your head cranked all the way around to look at me. This past weekend my family and I went to the states with my brother's rugby team. They had a game and we wanted to do a bit of shopping. So we were in Costco getting some groceries and we see two of the starers. These two are the worst. So there they are staring at me with little smirks on their faces. I avoid eye contact and stand still. To make matters worse my mom likes to point out that they are staring. I just feel extremely awkward! This is when I wish my brother was older than me and then I wouldn't mind two older boys staring at me. Not two immature boys! AWKWARD!


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