Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Awkward Moment Sixteen: Dreams About People You Don't Really Know

So, it's time to get up and get ready for school. You've been dragged out of bed against your will and wrenched out of whatever dream you were in the middle of. You wake up feeling weird and uncomfortable and you are wondering "why was I dreaming of making out with that random in Math class?" Or you wake up disgusted by your subconcious because you dreamt about someone you really despise. Or you dreamt about someone really hot and you enjoyed your dream and you wished that you didn't have to wake up right that second. Either way it doesn't really matter if you don't know the person that well or even at all. Because then you have to go to school and see them in your classes or in the hall and then you try not to look them in the eyes or look at them at all and then you feel like you are making it even more obvious. You feel like there is a huge tattoo on your forehead that says "I dreamt we made out "( and I am being PG, it can get more awkward). Whenever this happens to me I feel like I am being really obvious about it and I get all flustered and tongue tied and red and it's like I suddenly have a crush on them or something when I (usually) don't. And I can't explain my weird behavior. What would I say ? " Oh, I know I am acting like a freak show, I am really sorry because I didn't really think about you till now but apparently my subconcious wants to jump your bones." One time I dreamt I made out with this guy I was sort of friends with through a friend of mine. Anyway, I was pretty good friends with her at the time so one day I just told her about the dream and she thought it was hilarious so she marched me up to him and made me tell him my dream. Until he went back to Germany he would always jokingly wink at me and be like "You still dreaming about me?". Oh and here is the best part. My friend and him started going out like a week later. So awkward! I learned to keep stuff to my self. Actually that's a lie I have an overshare problem. But what other people should learn from this is to keep their awkward dreams about strangers to themselves. Because no one really needs to know every single thought that runs though your head. Awkward!
- Flora

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