Thursday, February 3, 2011

Awkward Moment Four: Being in a class without any friends and acting like a fool

You know that moment when you are trapped in a sewing class against your will with no friends and you get your foot caught in a girl you don't know's yoga pants and you trip and then hop out and say sorry and act like it was funny and that you don't want to go die now? No? Last year I was in sewing and I basically had no friends in that class and so I was like okay I'll go sew and hope the class goes by quickly. On my way to my sewing machine my foot managed to get caught in the bottom of this girl's yoga pants. Like I had to full on hop away because my foot was caught. How that happens I have no idea. So I got all flustered, said sorry and smiled and laughed like I thought it was stinking hilarious and she was nice about it but still. Awkward! I mean being trapped in a class with no friends, trying to act like you are not a complete loser is bad enough. It happens to all of us and I feel like I usually do a pretty good job of dealing with these awkward little classes. I just tell myself I don't feel awkward and I pretend to be busy and I think sarcastic thoughts and ask to go to my locker/the bathroom a lot. I try not to stare in any one place to long in case I accidently space out and look somewhere awkward ie. someones crotch or boobs. It never fails, when you try to act "normal" or "cool" you always end up acting like a weirdo. Awkward city.

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