Monday, February 28, 2011

Awkward Moment Twenty Eight: When Sales People Attack

  I don't think it is in the sales people's job description to make me uncomfortable and awkward.I get it, they are just doing their job. I am sure they resent having to be so over the top nice just as much as I do. And  I am probably the one making it awkward, I mean I can't even help it, it's like breathing for me. There really shouldn't be anything awkward about it! These people are paid to be nice to me; they are smiling at me and suggesting clothes to me as though we have been best friends for years. The issue for me is that when I shop, I like it to be just between me and the clothes. I don't want to have to talk to anyone. I talk all damn day for pete's sakes! And also, I feel the need to make lame conversation with any random person who says something to me because I feel like I m rude if I don't. This is especially bad when I am shopping by myself because then I already feel like a loser and I just want to go in, get whatever it is I want and then get out. It never fails. I go in to the store, cautiously look around to make sure that there aren't any sales people in plain view and then I go in. Just when I feel myself begin to relax and shop, they ambush me. " Hi! Can I help you with anything? Blah blah blah is half off if you get this blah blah. Would you like this free thing?" How about no! I would kindly appreciate it if you went away. But that's rude and my mama taught me better than that. So I frantically say "Oh no,no I am just looking, thank you, but thats cool, but no I am good. Yeah. Thanks!" then I smile way too big and go really red and then stumble back into whatever I was doing. Five minutes later. "Oh, that's really nice! You know if you like this you might like this too!" WHY? I would like it if you went away! Please shoo. That's about the time when I decide that I don't really need to wear clothes anyway and I leave. So gosh darn awkward.

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