Saturday, February 19, 2011

Awkward Moment Twenty: The Third Wheel

We all know how this goes. You are hanging out with a few of your friends when suddenly you are left alone with your friend and their boyfriend. Maybe this shouldn't be awkward but it is. This is especially bad when the couple is really affectionate and cutesy You sort of make lame conversation while they act all coupley. My inner monologue goes like this : "would it be really obvious if I just left right now? Am I allowed to look at them? Am I allowed to look in her boyfriend's direction? Oh my god, what if she thinks I am checking him out? Shut up you are being paranoid. Shit, now they are making out. Is ten seconds enough time to stay? Okay now I am just standing here watching them like a creep.Okay.I am leaving." Then I sort of say bye quietly because I don't want to be rude and they don't answer and it just adds to the wonderful awkwardness. See that is the problem with being single. It is absolutely fine hanging out with a couple when there are a few other people to balance things out but it is so awkward when it's a couple plus one. And I always feel like they should know how awkward it is! How do they not know? It's like when the couple that is incessantly going at it decides that your locker is the comfiest locker to make out against. We all know an over the top couple like this that acts as though cupid has a gun to their head.So you kind of awkwardly say excuse me and it take a lot of repeating yourself for them to hear. Then they look at you as if you had just disturbed their honey moon and it's like "Oh I am sorry, should we work out a schedule for when I can and cannot go to my locker?". So.Damn.Awkward.
- Flora

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