Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Awkward Moment Thirty One: Spacing out when someone's talking to you.

"Hello Millie." Pause. "Hi?" Pause. "So what's going on?" Pause. "Millie?"
What? You were talking to me? Oh, I thought you were talking to the other Millie in the room. Oh, the room's empty? What do you know. Well I know that this is so ridiculously awkward. It is not an enjoyable experience when someone is trying to talk to you and you're completely off in another world. It is awkward enough for the talker (causing them to look and feel like they are talking to themselves), let alone for the person who is spacing out (perhaps creating an unwanted impression of awkwardness and rudeness). Neither is appreciated.

Today Flora, Georgie, Mia and I all took part in a 10 km walk to raise money for the kids in Uganda. Afterwards, we sat, ate pizza, and chatted it up in the cooking classroom. We were completely wiped out from all the walking and had all simultaneously spaced out. Kit conveniently chose this moment to come over and say hello. We awkwardly say "hi" and continue to shovel pizza into our mouths at light speed and stare at the walls. Because, you know, it's not like the pizza will stay on our plates. It might just magically disappear. So of course it is completely necessary to practically inhale it. And it's always fun to just make an awkward situation even more awkward because I now have tomato sauce smeared all over my face and bits of chewed up pepperoni stuck in my teeth. I should not be allowed to eat in public. Anyways, I am think that chances are we don't look like the most inviting bunch of kids because he then says "I don't want to break up your little posse". He stands there for another few minutes as we stare blankly off into space, and I'm sure he has probably begun to feel awkward by this point. Eventually, he casually saunters off. I laugh to myself awkwardly while everyone else slowly comes out of their little reverie. "Guys, that was super awkward." Once everyone is aware of just how awkward that awkward little situation was, we begin to plan out a course of action. Pfft, who are we kidding, our course of action is more like sit here and discuss it until our mouths are dry and our brains are fried and then pretend like it never happened. But this time Flora steps in and demands to repair the damage. She begins to panic, whereas Mia, Georgie and I just nervously look around, at a complete loss for words.. and actions. Do we apologize? What do we do? Not only do we seem awkward, but also just flat out rude. Do we explain to him "Hey, so we're just socially awkward, sorry about that." Uh oh, he's walking back over to our table! And he's brought his best friends, Jones and Millard! Even better. I happen to have a slight crush on Millard, and start looking around the room frantically, hoping to not catch his eye. I am quite convinced that he knows that I like him, except how the heck would he? They say hello and Flora bravely blurts out "We're sorry about earlier when we all ignored you" And I chip in with "yeah, sorry, that was rude of us!" He laughs and says "Yeah, I felt like a bit of an idiot." And Mia and Georgie explain that we were just spacing out, inconveniently all at the same time, cause apparently that's just how we like to do things. And I sit there and smile, feeling like I am either smiling too big, not big enough, or maybe even both at the same time. Even though I'm probably not smiling at all. It's starting to feel a bit more like a grimace. And Millard is just chilling there with his cute face and all I can think is: AWKWARD!!!

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