Thursday, March 3, 2011

Awkward Moment Thirty two: Crushes

Crushes. It's so ridiculous. Sure, in some ways they are fun. They bring about warm and fuzzy feelings and cute little fantasies straight out of the Notebook ( I love that movie, so cute, Nicholas Sparks is a genius ). I don't normally get crushes I am happy to say. I like boys in general but it's usually just oh, you are really cute and then ten minutes later I forget again. Every now and then though it happens. What can you do? It happens to all of us! And as cute as crushes are, it can make for some very awkward moments. You know the random blushing and butterflies? The inability to look at them in the eye. You feel like they know but obviously they don't unless they can suddenly read minds. It's just so awkward! And they have no idea! It's even worse because it's an awkward moment you are having all by yourself! Here is an example. The last time I had a crush it was this guy who was a couple years older than me. He was so different than me. He didn't look that badass or "gangster" or anything. He looked like he tried to be though, I am not going to lie. He was well dressed and cute in a scruffy kind of way. He wasn't shaven which is kind of cute in my opinion. I am not saying I 'd like a yeti but a little stubble is kind of hot. He smoked weed a lot though and was a party guy and that is really not my scene. He seemed to be a nice guy though but basically he is pretty much the definition of the kind of guy I shouldn't of been interested in. I was fifteen and as naive as can be. I was not a party girl and it was just so awkward. We were in a class together and my friend Rosaline knew I had a crush on him so she would be like "oh Bob come sit with Flora!" even though Millie sat with me. Then we were in a group thing and she was like "I am so glad we have Flora and Bob in our group.Flora and Bob."  And then Millie asked for her chair back and Bob was like sure and then Rosaline said "You homewrecker." Another time she turned to me, smelled me and said "mmm you smell like cotton candy. Bob she smells like cotton candy!" It really was awkward. There were other things too, like turning into a mime whenever he was around and blushing. I said dumb things too, like I told him puffins freak me out. Puffins.Freak.Me out. Who says that? You know of all the things to say that just seemed like the way to go. Awkward!

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