Thursday, March 10, 2011

Awkward Moment Thirty Eight: Seeing people from school when you are working

Imagine you are working away, happy as a clam, or in my case, as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs (yes I searched that up), when you see not one but two people from your school. Yes, for the normal people of the world this would be an easy situation. You would say hello, maybe discuss some other business. But for us awkward folks, we are in our prime moment. First, you begin to come up with ideas to avoid this situation. When you finally realise they are not going anywhere and neither are you, you begin to come up with another plan. Of course my usual plan of attack (hiding, walking the other direction, avoiding eye contact) would not work here. So they other day, on our last day of training, I was packing bags. I was super nervous! I did not want to screw anything up. My hands were shaking, but luckily the guy I was packing bags for was super nice. Anyways, as I am bagging I see two kids from my school, who happen to be going out, come into my isle. Great! This kid also happens to be one of those annoying boys who tries to make you feel uncomfortable. As he comes up to the till I pretend I am extremely focused on bagging the bags. Just as I look up, he is staring at me. I smile and say hi, and he smiles back. This makes me even more nervous because I have to do an extra good packing job. So now my hands are shaking, my face is beet red (from heat and seeing someone), and I probably look really nervous. So after what seems like 40 hours, they leave and I say bye. AWKWARD!


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