Monday, January 31, 2011

Awkward Moment One: When you can't tell if someone is a guy, or a girl...

How awkward is it when you meet someone for the first time and cannot, for the life of you, figure out if it is a boy, or a girl!? It’s horrible. You spend the rest of your day creepily sneaking glances at it. It’s honestly all you can think about, until you figure out its gender.
     One summer, I went to the fair with my family. All was going well, until we met up with my friend. She had another friend with her. This particular friend had short hair, was wearing no makeup, had a ton of piercings, and was wearing baggy clothes. I would have thought it was a boy except for the fact is also looked like a girl. I was bamboozled! Was it a girl, or was a boy? I waited to hear its name.
Dakota. Mmhhmm. So that didn’t help. I figured I really didn’t need to know its gender, so I ignored my curiosity. Then my friend suggested we go on the roller coaster, only problem was that her friend needed someone to ride with. So, of course, I said, “I‘ll ride with him.”
She was a girl, not a guy. AWKWARD!

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