Thursday, February 10, 2011

Awkward Moment Eleven: Standing by yourself in a public place and trying to look cool.

Here is how it all begins. You're standing with a group of friends waiting for your ride after school. Slowly, they all start to leave and before you know it you're left standing alone by the fence, staring at the ground, at your phone with its non-existent text messages, at the inside of your purse, anything to avoid the heavy air, thick with silence. I don't know what it is, but it seems like people to need to feel occupied at all times, especially when standing by yourself in a public place.

So there I was, all alone and trying to act casually nonchalant about being a complete loner. It was a swelteringly hot day in May and there were these annoying bees buzzing around. I wasn't too bothered until one began to repeatedly dive-bomb at my face. I tried to stealthily swat it away, probably giving bystanders the impression that I had a nervous twitch. But to no avail; it just wouldn't leave me alone. And then there it was, flying back towards my head, making that awful "ZZZZZZ" sound right in my ear. I began shaking my head with my eyes squeezed shut, hoping against hope that it wouldn't sting me. I was feeling very awkward and wasn't paying much attention to what I was doing. Suddenly I realized that my thoughts, which usually do a decent job of staying in my brain, had decided to slip into the back of my throat and out of my mouth. "It-it-it's a bee!" I stuttered, as if the rest of the world had no stinkin' clue what it was. I did a quick side-eyes to check if anyone around me was looking. That was when I noticed Mia and Georgie in the car parked by the curb in front of me. I took a few steps forward and smiled at the glass. I began to say something out loud (as if they could hear me), and was about to put my face up to the window when the car pulled away. I made an awkward laugh/choking noise and went back to the spot where I had been standing. AWKWARD!

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