Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Awkward Moment Ten: When you see someone from school or work in public

You know the moment when you see someone you are not really friends with, but you have talked to them a few times. Once you spot them you are desperately trying to hide and avoid eye contact. You will do anything to avoid them. Sometimes hiding behind magazines, ducking in and out of isles, hiding behind clothes, quickly running away.. ANYTHING! But once they see you or start talking to you it is just awkward. I don't know about you but my face goes completely red. I am talking tomato red! I don't even know why! I am not even embarrassed!! It is so annoying though!

This happens to me all the time!! Like once a week it feels like! The most recent time was at the grocery store with my mom. When I am with my friends it not that bad, but when I am with family I feel awkward, not embarrassed though. When it is time to go to the check out, we pick a great line up! Its short and I do not know the person working at the till. Until I guess the first girls shift was over. You could probably picture my face. I decide to read the magazines, avoiding any awkward confrontation, until a line up forms behind me and people are trying to put their groceries on the belt. So I am now stuck behind their cart, forcing me to go into the other line up and go around, back to the exit of my line up. After standing there for what seems like 100 years, we are almost done. Until silly me decides to make eye contact! And then the awkward small talk begins! She is asking me about school and I do not even know what to do with myself, giving one word answers, smiling awkwardly, and face as red a tomato! To make matters worse she has that look on her face like she was thinking "what on earth is this girls problem." AWKWARD!


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