Hello, this is awkward. I hate those times when I accidentally talk to myself. I know you're probably thinking, how the heck does that happen? How does one "accidentally" talk to oneself? It is a lot easier than you would think. There are actually two ways for this to occur.
Scenario #1: I am walking down the street. Shoot, I have to cross the road now. I step out onto the pavement and a car almost doesn't stop. "Don't hit me!" I say. Shoot, I just said that out loud. I hope no one heard that. Or saw that. Too bad the whole world has stopped to let me cross the road so everyone did. Unless they are all coveniently and simultaneously blind/deaf.
Scenario #2: I am walking down the hallway with a friend blabbing on about some story (probably one of those ones that are hilarious to me and no one else). I turn my head to look at this "friend" and she's gone. Must have been some story I was telling. Where the heck did she go?! I stop and laugh to myself because I am just so cool and because I spent a yet to be determined amount of time talking to myself in loud and dulcet tones, for everyone to hear. Love it.
So you get the idea. It happens to the best of us but that doesn't make it any less AWKWARD!!!
For all the awkward people of the world, created by four extremely awkward friends.

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Awkward Moment Forty Two: Hotel Rooms
During Spring Break my family and I went to Seattle! We stayed in a really nice hotel, it was so posh! I was so excited! Of course, being the immature 17 year old girl that I am, I wanted to run up and down the hallways. Don't worry I restrained myself. On the first night, I went to get ice for our room. We really didn't need it, but because it was free and I was staying in a hotel, I wanted it. Me, being the jokster I am, wanted to play a trick on my family. I go up to my door and knock on it really loud, saying room service in a weird voice. No one answers. Hmmm, those buggers must be ignoring me. I pound on the door saying have you checked the children. To my surprise a little Asian lady answers the door. That is definitely not my mother. I stand there shocked. I quickly apologize and admit I thought this was my room. Too bad she barely understand English. She looks confused and I just smile, apologize again, and quickly walk away. I am left feeling awkward and embaressed. Of course, my family thinks it is hilarious! AWKWARD!!
Hello followers! Sorry we have not updated this blog in three weeks! Wow! We did not realise it was this long! While we were on Spring Break we decided to take a week break because some of us were going away, and to be honest we needed a break from writing on this everyday. Well that one week break turned into three, but now we are back at it. School has been really busy, with scholarships due, as well as grad trans, but that is no excuse. Instead of blogging everyday, we are each going to post one awkward moment a week. It was starting to become a bit of a hassle and we wanted to keep this fun. But don't worry we are not stopping anytime soon! Thank you to everyone who reads our blog, even though it is about 5 of you. We really appreciate it!! Oh! Also we are trying to upload more videos to our youtube channel, www.youtube.com/theawkwardbloggers so stayed tuned for those!
The Awkward Bloggers
The Awkward Bloggers
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Awkward Moment Forty One: Attractive Waiters
So, I went to The Keg for dinner with my parents and sister the other night. I was not very happy about it because it’s a nice place, and we had just gotten back from a trip. I hadn’t showered that morning, I showered the night before, but my hair reeked like chlorine! I’m not kidding, I think I showered 5 times scrubbing my head with baking powder before it went away. Anyways I didn’t look the nicest, wearing tennis sneakers, jean capris and a cardigan while everyone else was in heels and fancy dresses. So we sit down, got comfortable when all the sudden the waiter comes. Whoa. He was cute. Not to mention probably in his mid-late 20’s. I tried to act normally, believe me I really did try. But, his personality and amazing waiter skills were not helping the situation. He was really good; super friendly and funny. He knelt down right beside you when you ordered, and gave his opinion. AND HE KEPT SMILING AT ME! Like, more than normal…maybe it was in my head, but I’m pretty sure he kept smirking at me. Then he left our table and my mum says, “He is CUTE! You should get a job here, then you would have boyfriends!” I was already feeling awkward to begin with, but then every time he came to our table I felt like I couldn’t even look at him because …. I don’t know why, I was feeling uncomfortable. When I finally did look up, he flashed that smile! Ugggh. SO AWKWARD! It wasn't even an awkward moment I could laugh about after either, it was an inner awkward moment! Those are the worst! AWKWARD!
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