Saturday, March 5, 2011

Awkward Moment Thirty Four: Staff Rooms

How awkward are these! Most people sit around and chat with people they know. But for new people, who know nobody, it can get pretty awkward. I sit there avoiding eye contact with everybody, pretending to be concentrating very hard on reading a very "interesting" newspaper.  I don't really care what the stocks are doing but everyone in the staff room is thinking I do.
On Wednesday, during break, I was casually sitting in the room minding my own business, when I hear a boy in my grades voice. Awesome! More ways for me to be awkward! Instead of saying hi like a normal person, I pretend I am reading the newspaper. He goes and sits on the other side of the room, and I am pretty sure he saw me. Its not like I can look over and stare at him. That would be creepy. So I just ignore it. Now the only thing I can think of is I look like a total cow! It it not like I don't want to say hi, its just I want to save myself the awkwardness. We all know how I am with seeing people out of school...... Also remember when I told you guys about the girl I saw in the grocery store and how I was avoiding her, and then it was awkward? Well that's where I work now. I can't wait until I see her during break...... AWKWARD!!!


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